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GEP-1294: xRoutes Mesh Binding

  • Issue: #1294
  • Status: Standard


Similar to how xRoutes bind to Gateways and manage North/South traffic flows in Gateway API’s ingress use-case, it would be natural to adopt a similar model for traffic routing concerns in service mesh deployments. The purpose of this GEP is to add a mechanism to the Gateway API spec for the purpose of associating the various xRoute types to a service mesh and offering a model for service owners to manage traffic splitting configurations.

This GEP is intended to establish an implementable, but experimental, baseline for supporting basic service mesh traffic routing functionality through the Gateway API spec.


This GEP uses the roles and personas defined in the Gateway API security model, and the service "producer" and "consumer" roles defined in GEP-1324: Service Mesh in Gateway API.


  • MUST allow xRoute traffic rules to be configurable for a mesh service by the application owner/producer.
  • SHOULD allow control by the cluster operator (mesh administrator) to grant permission for whether xRoute resources in a given namespace are allowed to configure mesh traffic routing.
  • SHOULD NOT require downstream "consumer" services to update configuration or DNS addresses for traffic to follow "producer" mesh routing rules configured by upstream services.
  • SHOULD NOT require reconfiguring existing xRoute resources for North/South Gateway configuration.


  • Supporting "egress" use cases, which is currently a deferred goal, including:
    • Defining how "consumer" traffic rules which could override routing for service upstreams only within the local scope of a namespace or service might be configured.
    • Redirecting calls from arbitrary custom domains to an in-cluster service.
  • Defining how multiple Services or EndpointSlices representing instances of a single "logical" service should present an identity for AuthN/AuthZ or be associated with each other beyond routing rules.
  • Defining how AuthZ should be implemented to secure East/West traffic between services.
  • Defining how Policy Attachment would bind to xRoute, services or a mesh.
  • Defining how Routes configured for East/West service mesh traffic management might integrate with North/South Gateways.
  • Handling East/West traffic outside the cluster (VMs, etc).

Implementation Details and Constraints

  • MUST set a status field on xRoute to show if the routing configuration has been applied to the mesh.
  • MUST only be allowed to configure "producer" traffic rules for a Service in the same namespace as the xRoute.
    • Traffic routing configuration defined in this way SHOULD be respected by ALL consumer services in all namespaces in the mesh.
  • MAY assume that a mesh implements "transparent proxy" functionality to redirect calls to the Kubernetes DNS address for a Service through mesh routing rules.


It is proposed that an application owner should configure traffic rules for a mesh service by configuring an xRoute with a Kubernetes Service resource as a parentRef.

This approach is dependent on both the "frontend" role of the Kubernetes Service resource as defined in GEP-1324: Service Mesh in Gateway API when used as a parentRef and the "backend" role of Service when used as a backendRef. The conformant implementation would use the Kubernetes Service name to match traffic for meshes, but the backendRef endpoints would ultimately be used for the canonical IP address(es) to which traffic should be redirected by rules defined in this xRoute. This approach leverages the existing points of extensibility within the Gateway API spec, and would not require introducing any API changes or new resources, only defining expected behavior.

Why Service?

The GAMMA initiative has been working to bring service mesh use-cases to the Gateway API spec, taking the best practices and learnings from mesh implementations and codifying them in a spec. Most mesh users are familiar with using the Kubernetes Service resource as the foundation for traffic routing: not only do service meshes take advantage of the IP address management and corresponding DNS functionality provided by Service, but one of the key value propositions of service meshes is that they can be added "on top" of preexisting deployments, which are almost certain to already be using Service resources. This architecture is generally a simple, effective way for service meshes to operate.

Add to that the ubiquity of Service in the Kubernetes ecosystem as well as the time and effort needed to get support for a new resource into the ecosystem (especially true for managed Kubernetes providers), and it's clearly impractical to force GAMMA to wait for a replacement for Service.

Unfortunately, Service is a badly overloaded resource. It orchestrates not only IP address allocation and DNS but also endpoint collection and propagation, load balancing, etc. For this reason, it cannot be the only long-term answer for parentRef binding -- however, it is the only feasible option that mesh implementations have today, and as such the graduated GAMMA specification MUST support Service as a parentRef.

We expect this situation to change -- and, indeed, we plan to be a part of that change. Luckily, parentRef is flexible enough to support additional resources in the future, which allows work on adding a Service alternative in GAMMA to begin and continue in parallel with the graduation of this spec. In fact, we believe that GAMMA's use case can serve as an excellent basis for developing and trialing new, more composable mechanisms for managing IP address allocation and DNS.


  name: foo-route
  namespace: store
  - kind: Service
    name: foo
    - kind: Service
      name: foo
      weight: 90
    - kind: Service
      name: foo-v2
      weight: 10

In the example above, routing rules have been configured to direct 90% of traffic for the foo Service to the default "backend" endpoints specified by the foo Service selector field, and 10% to the foo-v2 Service. This is determined based on the ClusterIP (for Service) and ClusterSetIP (for ServiceImport) matching, and for "transparent proxy" mesh implementations would match all requests to foo.svc.cluster.local (or arbitrary custom suffix, as the hostname is not specified manually) from within the same namespace, all requests to from other namespaces, and all requests to for multicluster services, within the scope of the service mesh.

Route presence

When no xRoute resources are defined, all traffic should implicitly work - this is just how Kubernetes functions. When you create an xRoute targeting a service as a parentRef you are replacing that implicit logic - not adding to it. Therefore, you may be reshaping or restricting traffic via an xRoute configuration (which should be noted, is distinct from disallowing traffic by AuthZ).

Allowed service types

Services valid to be selected as a parentRef SHOULD have a way to identify traffic to them - typically by one or more virtual IP(s), DNS hostname(s), or name(s).

Implementations SHOULD support the default ClusterIP Service type as a parentRef, with or without selectors.

"Headless" Services SHOULD NOT be supported as a parentRef, because they do not implement the "frontend" functionality of a service.

Service resource with type: NodePort or type: LoadBalancer MAY be allowed as parentRefs or backendRefs, as these do provision virtual IPs and are effectively ClusterIP services with additional functionality, but it should typically be preferred to expose services publicly through the North/South Gateway API interfaces instead.

Service resources with type: ExternalName SHOULD NOT be allowed as parentRefs or backendRefs due to security concerns, although might eventually play some role in configuring egress functionality.

Services supported as backendRefs SHOULD be consistent with expectations for North/South Gateway API implementations, and MUST have associated endpoints. ClusterIP Services with selectors SHOULD be supported as a backendRef.

Service without selectors

An alternate pattern additionally supported by this approach would be to target a Service without selectors as the parentRef. This could be a clean way to create a pure routing construct and abstract a logical frontend, as traffic would resolve to a backendRef Service with selectors defined on the HTTPRoute, or receive a 4xx/5xx error response if no matching path or valid backend was found.

parentRef Conformance Levels

Currently (v0.7.0), this spec only considers the Service resource to be under Core conformance as a parentRef. However, Service is not the only resource that can fulfill the frontend role. While the Gateway API spec couldn’t possibly enumerate every existing (and future) frontend-like resource, it can specify a subset of resources that implementations MUST support as parentRefs under as a part of core conformance. Meshes MAY support other implementation-specific resources as parentRefs. The spec maintainers also reserve the right to add additional resources to core conformance as the spec evolves.

Extended Conformance

In addition to Service, there are other optional parentRef resources that, if used by implementations, MUST adhere to the spec’s prescriptions. At the time of writing (v0.7.0), there is one resource in extended conformance: ServiceImport (part of the MCS API, currently in alpha). The semantics of ServiceImport parentRef binding can be found in GEP-1748 (Note: Headless ServiceImport is out of scope and not currently a part of the spec).

Why not IPAddress

In Kubernetes 1.27, there will be a new IPAddress resource added to as part of KEP 1880. Naturally, it makes sense to examine whether or not this new resource makes sense as a GAMMA aware parentRef. At first glance, IPAddress seems to be an appropriate abstraction for the “frontend” role we’ve been discussing; every Kubernetes Service is accessed over the network via one of its ip addresses. Furthermore, the fact that the Service resource auto-creates an IPAddress is encouraging. However, the fact that the name of the IPAddress is simply the decimal/hex ip address and not a human-readable Service name makes the UX untenable as a spec-supported parentRef. However, IPAddress is NOT disallowed; implementations may use it if they wish.

Implementation-specific parentRefs

If mesh implementations wish to enable an implementation-specific resource as a parentRef, they may do so as long as that resource meets certain conditions. Recall that the frontend role of a (generic) service is how one calls the service. In the service mesh transparent proxy context, the frontend role (and parentRef by extension) is effectively the matching mechanism for the specified route. For the Service parentRef, this means that the mesh should apply a particular xRoute’s configuration if the destination ip address for a given connection is the ClusterIP of that parentRef Service. If a mesh wishes to use an implementation-specific resource for parentRef, that resource MUST contain layer-appropriate information suitable for traffic matching (e.g. no Host header capture in TCPRoute). For example, the following HTTPRoute with an Istio ServiceEntry as a parentRef would be a valid implementation-specific reference:

kind: ServiceEntry
  name: internal-svc-httpbin
  namespace : egress
  - "."
  location: MESH_INTERNAL
  - number: 80
    name: http
    protocol: HTTP
  resolution: DNS
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: mongo-internal
  - kind: ServiceEntry
    name: internal-svc-httpbin
    namespace: egress
    sectionName: http # referencing the port name
  - backendRefs:
    - name: internal-example
      port: 80

There has been much discussion around cluster local Gateways (i.e. Gateways not associated with a traditional load balancer). While there are various potential UX impairments (e.g. what’s the difference between a GAMMA HTTPRoute with a Gateway parentRef and an ingress implementation’s HTTPRoute?), there is no technical reason why a Gateway cannot be a valid GAMMA parentRef if an implementation wishes to do so.

Route types

All types currently defined in the gateway-api core (HTTP, GRPC, TCP, TLS, and UDP) are available for use in a Mesh implementation.

If multiple routes with different types both bind to the same Service and Port pair, only a single route type should be applied. The rejected routes should be ignored and have the RouteConditionAccepted status set to the (new) reason RouteReasonConflicted.

Route type specificity is defined in the following order (first one wins):

  1. GRPCRoute
  2. HTTPRoute
  3. TLSRoute
  4. TCPRoute

Because UDP is its own protocol, it is orthogonal to these precedence order. Since there is only one UDP-based route, there is currently no conflicts possible; if other UDP-based routes are added a similar ordering will be defined.

Note: these conflicts only occur when multiple different route types apply to the same Service+Port pair. Multiple routes of the same type are valid, and merge according to the route-specific merging semantics.


By default, a Service attachment applies to all ports in the service. Users may want to attach routes to only a specific port in a Service. To do so, the parentRef.port field should be used.

If port is set, the implementation MUST associate the route only with that port. If port is not set, the implementation MUST associate the route with all ports defined in the Service.

hostnames field

GAMMA implementations SHOULD NOT infer any functionality from the hostnames field on xRoutes (currently, TLSRoute, HTTPRoute, and GRPCRoute have this field) due to current under-specification and reserved potential for future usage or API changes.

For the use case of filtering incoming traffic from selected HTTP hostnames, it is recommended to guide users toward configuring HTTPHeaderMatch rules for the Host header. Functionality to be explored in future GEPs may include supporting concurrent usage of an xRoute traffic configuration for multiple North/South Gateways and East/West mesh use cases or redirection of egress traffic to an in-cluster Service.

Namespace boundaries

In a mesh, routes can be configured by two personas:

  • Service producers, who want to modify behavior of inbound requests to their services
  • Service consumers, who want to modify behavior of outbound requests to other services.

While these concepts are not directly exposed in the API, a route is implicitly fulfilling one of these roles and behaves differently depending on the role.

A route is a producer route when the parentRef refers to a service in the same namespace. This route SHOULD apply to all incoming requests to the service, including from clients in other namespaces.

Note: Some implementations may only be able to apply routes on client-side proxies. As a result, these will likely only apply to requests from clients who are also in the mesh.

A route is a consumer route when the parentRef refers to a service in another namespace. Unlike producer routes, consumer routes are scoped only the same namespace. This ensures that for traffic between two namespaces, another unrelated namespace cannot modify their traffic.

Routes of either type can send traffic to backendRefs in any namespace. Unlike Gateway bound routes, this is allowed without a ReferenceGrant. In Gateway-bound routes (North-South), routes are opt-in; by default, no Services are exposed (often to the public internet), and a service producer must explicitly opt-in by creating a route themselves, or allowing another namespace to via ReferenceGrant. For mesh, routes augment existing Services, rather than exposing them to a broader scope. As a result, a ReferenceGrant is not required in most mesh implementations. Access control, if desired, is handled by other mechanism such as NetworkPolicy. While uncommon, if a mesh implementation does expose the ability to access a broader scope than would otherwise be reachable, then ReferenceGrant must be used for cross namespaces references.

Multiple routes for a Service

A service may be used as a parentRef (where we attach to the "Service Frontend") or as a backendRef (where we attach to the "Service Backend").

In general, when a request is sent to a Service frontend (ex: curl svc), it should utilize a Route bound to that Service. However, when sent to a Service backend (ex: curl pod-ip), it would not.

Similarly, if we have multiple "levels" of Routes defined, only the first will be used, as that is the only one that accesses the Service frontend.

Consider a cluster with routes for a Service in both a Gateway, consumer namespace, and producer namespace:

  • Requests from the Gateway will utilize the (possibly merged) set of routes attached to the Gateway
  • Requests from a namespace with consumer routes will utilize the (possibly merged) set of routes in the consumer namespace
  • Requests from other namespaces will utilize the (possibly merged) set of routes in the producer namespace

The merging of routes occurs only within groups of the same type of routes (Gateway bound, producer, or consumer), and follows the standard route merging behavior already defined.

Note: a possible future extension is to allow backendRefs to explicitly target a "frontend" or "backend". This could allow chaining multiple routes together. However, this is out of scope for the current GEP.


  • The fact that this pattern is used for mesh configuration is implicit - this may benefit from some additional configuration to map the HTTPRoute to a particular mesh implementation rather than being picked up by any or all GAMMA meshes present in a cluster. Possible approaches include:
  • GEP-1282: Describing Backend Properties may be one path to associating a Service with a mesh, but likely wouldn't be able to handle the application of multiple HTTPRoutes for the same Service, but each intended for different mesh implementations
    • It's currently unclear how relevant this constraint may be, but associating an HTTPRoute with a mesh by this method would additionally require an extra graph traversal step.
  • Expecting a Mesh parentRef or similar reference as proposed in GEP-1291: Mesh Representation may be a preferred eventual path forward, but wouldn't be required initially, with the assumption that only one mesh should typically be present in a cluster.
  • No mechanism for egress redirection of traffic from arbitrary hostnames to a mesh service within this approach (but could still be implemented separately).


New MeshService (or HttpService, VirtualService, ServiceBinding) resource as parentRef

Introduce a new resource to represent the "frontend" role of a service as defined in GEP-1291: Mesh Representation.

Controller manages new DNS hostname

A controller could create a matching selector-less Service (i.e. no endpoints), to create a .cluster.local name, or could interact with external-dns to create a DNS name in an owned domain.

Ownership/trust would remain based on naming pattern: serviceName.namespace.svc.[USER_DOMAIN]

Separate HttpService, TlsService and TcpService resources could have the benefit of allowing us to define protocol specific elements to the spec along with an embedded CommonServiceSpec, similar to CommonRouteSpec, and keep similar patterns as Service.

  • May require reconfiguring existing applications to point to a new mesh service hostname - adoption wouldn't be "transparent".
  • The pattern of creating a new pure routing construct would still be implementable following the proposed approach, by manually creating and targeting a new Service without selectors as a parentRef, without the overhead of introducing a new resource.

Manage DNS by binding to an existing Service

A new ServiceBinding resource would directly reference an existing Service to determine which traffic should be intercepted and redirected following configured service mesh routing rules and facilitate "transparent proxy" functionality. This resource could possibly share similar responsibilities as the need identified in GEP-1282: Describing Backend Properties.

kind: ServiceBinding
  name: foo_binding
  - kind: Service
    name: foo
  - kind: ServiceBinding
    name: foo_binding
    - kind: Service
      name: foo
      weight: 90
    - kind: Service
      name: foo_v2
      weight: 10

While the HTTPRoute does not directly reference a particular mesh implementation in this approach, it would be possible to design the ServiceBinding resource to specify that.

  • Introduces an extra layer of abstraction while still having several of the same fundamental drawbacks as a direct parentRef binding to Service.
  • May require reconfiguring Gateway HTTPRoutes to specify ServiceBindings as backendRefs.


  • The split frontend/backend role of Service is fundamentally an issue with the Service resource, and while upstream changes may be quite slow, this would likely be best addressed through an upstream KEP - introducing a new resource to GAMMA now would likely result in API churn if we expect a similar proposal to be upstreamed eventually.
  • Adopting the proposed Service as parentRef approach wouldn't foreclose the possibility of migrating to a new frontend-only resource in the future, and wouldn't even require a breaking change to HTTPRoute, just adding support for a new parentRef Kind.
  • Would be less clear how to integrate with transparent proxy functionality - it may be possible to design some way to select a Service or hostname to intercept, but abstraction through a separate resource would make configuration more complex.

Mesh resource as parentRef

This binds an HTTPRoute directly to a cluster-scoped Mesh object as defined in GEP-1291: Mesh Representation.

  - kind: Mesh
    name: cool-mesh

It is currently undefined how this approach may interact with either explicitly configured hostnames or implicit "transparent proxy" routing for Kubernetes Services to determine how traffic should be intercepted and redirected.

This approach is not entirely abandoned, as it could supplement the proposed approach if explicit attachment to a specific mesh is deemed necessary. Additionally, this approach may offer a future option for attaching an HTTPRoute to a mesh, but not a specific service (e.g. to implement mesh-wide egress functionality for all requests to a specific hostname).

Peer to Service resource parentRef

An HTTPRoute could specify a Mesh resource parentRef as a peer to a Service resource parentRef.

  - kind: Mesh
    name: cool-mesh
  - kind: Service
    name: foo
  • Would require separate HTTPRoute resources to explicitly define different traffic routing rules for the same service on different meshes.

Nested services and hostnames fields in ParentReference

In core conformance, the services would only be valid for Mesh types, and hostnames field only for Gateway. Mesh implementations could still use a Host header match if they wanted limit rules to specific hostnames.

- kind: Mesh
  name: coolmesh
  - name: foo
    kind: Service
- kind: Gateway
  name: staging
  hostnames: []
- kind: Gateway
  name: prod
  hostnames: []
# Top level hostnames field removed

Moving the hostnames field from HTTPRoute to ParentReference might introduce a clean path for concurrently using a route across North/South and mesh use cases, even without introducing the services field or a new Mesh resource, and even makes pure North/South implementations more flexible by allowing a hostname-per-Gateway scope.

  • Substantial API change, impacting even North/South use cases
  • Extending this functionality to support mesh-wide egress or arbitrary redirection may still require some sort of bidirectional handshake with a Hostname resource to support configuration across namespaces and limit conflicting configuration.

Phantom parentRef

  - kind: Mesh
    name: istio

This is done by configuring the parentRef, to point to the istio Mesh. This resource does not actually exist in the cluster and is only used to signal that the Istio mesh should be used. In Istio's experimental implementation, the hostnames field on HTTPRoute is used to match mesh service traffic to the routing rules.

New field on HTTPRoute for Service binding

A new field serviceBinding would be added to HTTPRoute to attach to the Service. Alternatively, this could be a new field in HTTPRouteMatch. As with the proposed implementation, this approach could be combined with a Mesh resource or similar as the parentRef, which would just define that the route would be applied to a mesh.

    name: my-service


      name: my-service

For either implementation, the type of the serviceBinding or service field should likely be a struct with Group (defaulting to the Kubernetes core API group when unspecified), Kind (defaulting to Service when unspecified) and Name fields, to allow for extensibility to ServiceImport or custom mesh service types.


  • API addition required, which is somewhat awkwardly ignored for North/South use cases, and could complicate potential for concurrent use of an HTTPRoute across both North/South and mesh use cases.
  • Adding new fields to a relatively stable resource like HTTPRoute could be difficult to do in an experimental way.
  • Following this pattern may lead to subsequent additional fields to further clarify or extend behavior.

Gateway resource with class: mesh as parentRef

To support arbitrary DNS names (owned by a "domain owner persona") we would need a similar mechanism to what Gateway is using for delegating management of HTTPRoutes to namespaces. Instead of duplicating everything - we could use Gateway as is, with class: mesh (or matching the mesh implementation desired name).

kind: Gateway
  class: mesh
  - name: example
    hostname: ""
kind: HTTPRoute
    name: foo_gateway
    sectionName: example
  hostnames: ["", "foo.svc.cluster.local"]

Functionally such a mesh could be implemented using the existing gateway spec - a GAMMA implementation would only remove the extra hop through the Gateway, using sidecars, or it may use a specialized per-namespace gateway to isolate the mesh traffic (like Istio Ambient). Proxyless gRPC could also use this to route directly.

This solution could work well for both non-cluster.local names but also for egress, where a Gateway with class: egress could define names that are external to the mesh and need to either have policies applied or go to a dedicated egress gateway.


  • Using the HTTPRoute hostnames field to match mesh traffic breaks from the typical Gateway API pattern of explicit Kubernetes resource references, is extremely implicit, and could reduce portability of configuration.
  • Potentially unclear translation between conceptual resource and concrete implementation, particularly for "proxyless" mesh implementations.
  • Service meshes may wish to express egress or other "in-mesh" gateways through an API like this, and it could be confusing to overload this resource too much or conflate different personas who may wish to manage mesh service traffic routing as an application owner separately from egress rules as a service consumer or cluster operator.

ServiceProjection resource as parentRef and backendRefs

This approach is similar to the above ServiceBinding proposal with a couple of major differences:

  • ServiceProjection encapsulates both "frontend" and "backend" roles of the Service resource
  • ServiceProjection could handle the full responsibilities described in GEP-1282: Describing Backend Properties
kind: ServiceProjection
    name: foo
    namespace: store
        name: foo
        kind: Service|ServiceImport
                strategy: RoundRobin
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: foo_route
  namespace: store
  - kind: ServiceProjection
    name: foo
    role: frontend
    - kind: ServiceProjection
      name: foo
      role: backend
      weight: 90
    - kind: ServiceProjection
      role: backend
      name: foo_v2
      weight: 10

For convenience, ServiceProjection could have a meshRef field that, when set instead of serviceRef, makes all configuration within the ServiceProjection apply to all services in the mesh (the mesh control plane would need to read the Mesh resource). Pursuant to the changes to status semantics in GEP-1364: Status and Conditions Update, it is necessary for the route to attach to something; in this case, the route attaches to the specific role or profile of the ServiceProjection and the mesh control plane should update the route status to reflect that.


  • May require reconfiguring Gateway HTTPRoutes to specify ServiceProjections as backendRefs.
  • Verbose boilerplate for each service.

Implicit backendRef

An initial iteration of this GEP had the ability to omit a backendRef and have it implicitly be set the same as the parentRef. This has been removed due to inconsistency with Gateway parentRefs and tight coupling of the "frontend" and "backend" roles.

Implementations MUST respect the standard backendRef rules as defined by the existing spec.