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Experimental Channel since v1.3.0

The BackendTrafficPolicy resource is a part of the Experimental Channel since v1.3.0. For more information on release channels, refer to our versioning guide.

BackendTrafficPolicy is a Gateway API type to configure the behavior of clients when targeting a valid backend resource.


BackendTrafficPolicy is used to configure the behavior of clients when making requests targeting a backend, a grouping of like endpoints. Currently, this policy includes the ability to configure a RetryConstraint, which can dynamically limit the number of active retries targeting the specified backend, by defining a "retry budget". Additional features may be added in the future.

Retry Constraint

While client-side retries are important for allowing requests to be successfully retried in periods of intermittent failure, excessive retries can quickly overwhelm a system, leading to cascading failures such as retry storms. Specifying a RetryConstraint within BackendTrafficPolicy allows application developers to dynamically calculate a limit on active client-side retries as a percentage of the overall active request volume. While the retry stanza within the HTTPRouteRule resource allows specifying whether a request should be retried, as well as the maximum number of retries that may be performed for a failed request, budgeted retries instead act as a fail-safe in order to ensure that the targeted backend will not be overwhelmed by the overall volume of retries from the client.

The retry budget is calculated based on the percentage of incoming traffic composed of retries over a given time interval. Retrying the same original request multiple times within the retry budget interval will lead to each retry being counted towards calculating the budget. Once the budget is exceeded, additional retries to the backend will be rejected and MUST return a 503 response to the client. The parameters of the retry budget calculation can be configured within RetryConstraint.

BackendTrafficPolicy is a Direct PolicyAttachment. All Gateway API Routes that target the referenced Backend should respect a configured BackendTrafficPolicy. Additional configurations for defining a constraint on retries MAY be defined in the future.


The specification of a BackendTrafficPolicy consists of:

  • TargetRefs - Defines the targeted API object(s) of the policy. Backends (A grouping of like endpoints such as Service, ServiceImport, or any implementation-specific backendRef) are the only valid API target references.
  • RetryConstraint - Defines the configuration for how a retry budget should be calculated, by specifying BudgetDetails and MinRetryRate.
  • SessionPersistence - Defines the session persistence for the backend.

The following chart outlines the object definitions and relationship:

flowchart LR
    backendTrafficPolicy[["<b>backendTrafficPolicy</b> <hr><align=left>BackendTrafficPolicySpec: spec<br>PolicyStatus: status</align>"]]
    spec[["<b>spec</b><hr>LocalPolicyTargetReference: targetRefs <br> RetryConstraint: retryConstraint" <br> SessionPersistence: sessionPersistence]]
    status[["<b>status</b><hr>[ ]PolicyAncestorStatus: ancestors"]]
    budget[["<b>budget</b><hr>int: budgetPercent<br>Duration: budgetInterval"]]
    retryConstraint[["<b>retryConstraint</b><hr>BudgetDetails: budget<br>MinRetryRate: RequestRate"]]
    ancestorStatus[["<b>ancestors</b><hr>AncestorRef: parentReference<br>GatewayController: controllerName<br>[]Condition: conditions"]]
    backendRef["one of:<hr>" Service OR ServiceImport OR an implementation-specific backendRef]
    backendTrafficPolicy -->spec
    backendTrafficPolicy -->status
    spec -->targetRefs & retryConstraint
    retryConstraint -->budget
    status -->ancestorStatus
    targetRefs -->backendRef

Targeting backends

BackendTrafficPolicy targets a group of backend Pods via one or more TargetRefs such as Service, ServiceImport, or implementation-specific backendRef. TargetRefs is a required object reference, specifying a Backend via its Name, Kind, and Group. Currently, TargetRefs can not be scoped to specific ports on a service.