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API Reference


Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the API group.

Resource Types


BackendTrafficPolicySpec define the desired state of BackendTrafficPolicy Note: there is no Override or Default policy configuration.

Appears in: - XBackendTrafficPolicy

Field Description Default Validation
targetRefs LocalPolicyTargetReference array TargetRefs identifies API object(s) to apply this policy to.
Currently, Backends (A grouping of like endpoints such as Service,
ServiceImport, or any implementation-specific backendRef) are the only
valid API target references.
Currently, a TargetRef can not be scoped to a specific port on a
MaxItems: 16
MinItems: 1
retryConstraint RetryConstraint RetryConstraint defines the configuration for when to allow or prevent
further retries to a target backend, by dynamically calculating a 'retry
budget'. This budget is calculated based on the percentage of incoming
traffic composed of retries over a given time interval. Once the budget
is exceeded, additional retries will be rejected.
For example, if the retry budget interval is 10 seconds, there have been
1000 active requests in the past 10 seconds, and the allowed percentage
of requests that can be retried is 20% (the default), then 200 of those
requests may be composed of retries. Active requests will only be
considered for the duration of the interval when calculating the retry
budget. Retrying the same original request multiple times within the
retry budget interval will lead to each retry being counted towards
calculating the budget.
Configuring a RetryConstraint in BackendTrafficPolicy is compatible with
HTTPRoute Retry settings for each HTTPRouteRule that targets the same
backend. While the HTTPRouteRule Retry stanza can specify whether a
request will be retried, and the number of retry attempts each client
may perform, RetryConstraint helps prevent cascading failures such as
retry storms during periods of consistent failures.
After the retry budget has been exceeded, additional retries to the
backend MUST return a 503 response to the client.
Additional configurations for defining a constraint on retries MAY be
defined in the future.
Support: Extended
sessionPersistence SessionPersistence SessionPersistence defines and configures session persistence
for the backend.
Support: Extended


BudgetDetails specifies the details of the budget configuration, like the percentage of requests in the budget, and the interval between checks.

Appears in: - RetryConstraint

Field Description Default Validation
percent integer BudgetPercent defines the maximum percentage of active requests that may
be made up of retries.
Support: Extended
20 Maximum: 100
Minimum: 0
interval Duration BudgetInterval defines the duration in which requests will be considered
for calculating the budget for retries.
Support: Extended


Appears in: - ListenerSetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
name SectionName Name is the name of the Listener. This name MUST be unique within a
Name is not required to be unique across a Gateway and ListenerSets.
Routes can attach to a Listener by having a ListenerSet as a parentRef
and setting the SectionName
hostname Hostname Hostname specifies the virtual hostname to match for protocol types that
define this concept. When unspecified, all hostnames are matched. This
field is ignored for protocols that don't require hostname based
Implementations MUST apply Hostname matching appropriately for each of
the following protocols:
TLS: The Listener Hostname MUST match the SNI.
HTTP: The Listener Hostname MUST match the Host header of the request.
* HTTPS: The Listener Hostname SHOULD match at both the TLS and HTTP
protocol layers as described above. If an implementation does not
ensure that both the SNI and Host header match the Listener hostname,
it MUST clearly document that.
For HTTPRoute and TLSRoute resources, there is an interaction with the
spec.hostnames array. When both listener and route specify hostnames,
there MUST be an intersection between the values for a Route to be
accepted. For more information, refer to the Route specific Hostnames
Hostnames that are prefixed with a wildcard label (*.) are interpreted
as a suffix match. That means that a match for * would match
both, and, but not
port PortNumber Port is the network port. Multiple listeners may use the
same port, subject to the Listener compatibility rules.
protocol ProtocolType Protocol specifies the network protocol this listener expects to receive.
tls GatewayTLSConfig TLS is the TLS configuration for the Listener. This field is required if
the Protocol field is "HTTPS" or "TLS". It is invalid to set this field
if the Protocol field is "HTTP", "TCP", or "UDP".
The association of SNIs to Certificate defined in GatewayTLSConfig is
defined based on the Hostname field for this listener.
The GatewayClass MUST use the longest matching SNI out of all
available certificates for any TLS handshake.
allowedRoutes AllowedRoutes AllowedRoutes defines the types of routes that MAY be attached to a
Listener and the trusted namespaces where those Route resources MAY be
Although a client request may match multiple route rules, only one rule
may ultimately receive the request. Matching precedence MUST be
determined in order of the following criteria:
The most specific match as defined by the Route type.
The oldest Route based on creation timestamp. For example, a Route with
a creation timestamp of "2020-09-08 01:02:03" is given precedence over
a Route with a creation timestamp of "2020-09-08 01:02:04".
* If everything else is equivalent, the Route appearing first in
alphabetical order (namespace/name) should be given precedence. For
example, foo/bar is given precedence over foo/baz.
All valid rules within a Route attached to this Listener should be
implemented. Invalid Route rules can be ignored (sometimes that will mean
the full Route). If a Route rule transitions from valid to invalid,
support for that Route rule should be dropped to ensure consistency. For
example, even if a filter specified by a Route rule is invalid, the rest
of the rules within that Route should still be supported.
{ namespaces:map[from:Same] }


ListenerStatus is the status associated with a Listener.

Appears in: - ListenerSetStatus

Field Description Default Validation
name SectionName Name is the name of the Listener that this status corresponds to.
port PortNumber Port is the network port the listener is configured to listen on.
supportedKinds RouteGroupKind array SupportedKinds is the list indicating the Kinds supported by this
listener. This MUST represent the kinds an implementation supports for
that Listener configuration.
If kinds are specified in Spec that are not supported, they MUST NOT
appear in this list and an implementation MUST set the "ResolvedRefs"
condition to "False" with the "InvalidRouteKinds" reason. If both valid
and invalid Route kinds are specified, the implementation MUST
reference the valid Route kinds that have been specified.
MaxItems: 8
attachedRoutes integer AttachedRoutes represents the total number of Routes that have been
successfully attached to this Listener.
Successful attachment of a Route to a Listener is based solely on the
combination of the AllowedRoutes field on the corresponding Listener
and the Route's ParentRefs field. A Route is successfully attached to
a Listener when it is selected by the Listener's AllowedRoutes field
AND the Route has a valid ParentRef selecting the whole Gateway
resource or a specific Listener as a parent resource (more detail on
attachment semantics can be found in the documentation on the various
Route kinds ParentRefs fields). Listener or Route status does not impact
successful attachment, i.e. the AttachedRoutes field count MUST be set
for Listeners with condition Accepted: false and MUST count successfully
attached Routes that may themselves have Accepted: false conditions.
Uses for this field include troubleshooting Route attachment and
measuring blast radius/impact of changes to a Listener.
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current condition of this listener. MaxItems: 8


ListenerSetSpec defines the desired state of a ListenerSet.

Appears in: - XListenerSet

Field Description Default Validation
parentRef ParentGatewayReference ParentRef references the Gateway that the listeners are attached to.
listeners ListenerEntry array Listeners associated with this ListenerSet. Listeners define
logical endpoints that are bound on this referenced parent Gateway's addresses.
Listeners in a Gateway and their attached ListenerSets are concatenated
as a list when programming the underlying infrastructure. Each listener
name does not need to be unique across the Gateway and ListenerSets.
See ListenerEntry.Name for more details.
Implementations MUST treat the parent Gateway as having the merged
list of all listeners from itself and attached ListenerSets using
the following precedence:
1. "parent" Gateway
2. ListenerSet ordered by creation time (oldest first)
3. ListenerSet ordered alphabetically by “{namespace}/{name}”.
An implementation MAY reject listeners by setting the ListenerEntryStatus
Accepted`` condition to False with the ReasonTooManyListeners<br />If a listener has a conflict, this will be reported in the<br />Status.ListenerEntryStatus setting theConflicted` condition to True.
Implementations SHOULD be cautious about what information from the
parent or siblings are reported to avoid accidentally leaking
sensitive information that the child would not otherwise have access
to. This can include contents of secrets etc.
MaxItems: 64
MinItems: 1


Appears in: - XListenerSet

Field Description Default Validation
conditions Condition array Conditions describe the current conditions of the ListenerSet.
Implementations MUST express ListenerSet conditions using the
ListenerSetConditionType and ListenerSetConditionReason
constants so that operators and tools can converge on a common
vocabulary to describe ListenerSet state.
Known condition types are:
[map[lastTransitionTime:1970-01-01T00:00:00Z message:Waiting for controller reason:Pending status:Unknown type:Accepted] map[lastTransitionTime:1970-01-01T00:00:00Z message:Waiting for controller reason:Pending status:Unknown type:Programmed]] MaxItems: 8
listeners ListenerEntryStatus array Listeners provide status for each unique listener port defined in the Spec. MaxItems: 64


ParentGatewayReference identifies an API object including its namespace, defaulting to Gateway.

Appears in: - ListenerSetSpec

Field Description Default Validation
group Group Group is the group of the referent.
kind Kind Kind is kind of the referent. For example "Gateway". Gateway
name ObjectName Name is the name of the referent.
namespace Namespace Namespace is the namespace of the referent. If not present,
the namespace of the referent is assumed to be the same as
the namespace of the referring object.


RequestRate expresses a rate of requests over a given period of time.

Appears in: - RetryConstraint

Field Description Default Validation
count integer Count specifies the number of requests per time interval.
Support: Extended
Maximum: 1e+06
Minimum: 1
interval Duration Interval specifies the divisor of the rate of requests, the amount of
time during which the given count of requests occur.
Support: Extended


RetryConstraint defines the configuration for when to retry a request.

Appears in: - BackendTrafficPolicySpec

Field Description Default Validation
budget BudgetDetails Budget holds the details of the retry budget configuration. { interval:10s percent:20 }
minRetryRate RequestRate MinRetryRate defines the minimum rate of retries that will be allowable
over a specified duration of time.
The effective overall minimum rate of retries targeting the backend
service may be much higher, as there can be any number of clients which
are applying this setting locally.
This ensures that requests can still be retried during periods of low
traffic, where the budget for retries may be calculated as a very low
Support: Extended
{ count:10 interval:1s }


XBackendTrafficPolicy defines the configuration for how traffic to a target backend should be handled.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string XBackendTrafficPolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackendTrafficPolicySpec Spec defines the desired state of BackendTrafficPolicy.
status PolicyStatus Status defines the current state of BackendTrafficPolicy.


XListenerSet defines a set of additional listeners to attach to an existing Gateway.

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string XListenerSet
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ListenerSetSpec Spec defines the desired state of ListenerSet.
status ListenerSetStatus Status defines the current state of ListenerSet. { conditions:[map[lastTransitionTime:1970-01-01T00:00:00Z message:Waiting for controller reason:Pending status:Unknown type:Accepted] map[lastTransitionTime:1970-01-01T00:00:00Z message:Waiting for controller reason:Pending status:Unknown type:Programmed]] }